Universal Feeling

Ever sat down in the middle of a busy area and just listened to the world around you? Ever felt a moment pass through you, but you can’t exactly describe the feeling? There’s almost always a sense of heightened emotion whether or not they they are happy or sad. You feel so in sync with … More Universal Feeling

Dear Maliah (5)

Time and time again, I find myself wandering over here. Even though it’s completely random and spontaneous, sometimes I just have to let it out. That saying they say, you are your biggest critic, comes true to me. I believe that I’m the worst person at convincing myself things, but at the same time, my … More Dear Maliah (5)

Frostbite in me fingers

The perfect picture to emphasize today’s gloom. Despite today’s horribly cold weather, my positive mentality doesn’t usually reflect the day’s weather. Typically, I subconsciously tend to be super bummed on gloomy days. But today, the weather doesn’t stop me and I am slowly getting through my day with a positive mentality. It’s difficult to keep … More Frostbite in me fingers